How To Create A Promotional Flyer That Actually Attracts Customers

Aah, the old promotional flyer…

It’s usually the first marketing tactic businesses use when they start marketing. “Let’s make some flyers and hand them out” they say. Yep, sounds fair enough. And guess what usually happens – they hand them out, put them in letterboxes and nothing happens.

“Promotional flyers don’t work!” is what they start shouting from the rooftops. Then they turn on the marketing profession. “Marketing doesn’t work…..I put some flyers together and I got no response”. Boy I wish I had a dollar for every time someone said that!

When I look at the flyers, they are usually enough to send an insomniac to sleep. No pizzazz, no spunk and worst of all – they don’t follow the four basic marketing rules that will make them work.

So to save my profession from being ridiculed by the humble, promotional flyer – here are four things you must include to create a promotional flyer that actually attracts customers.

1. An attention grabbing headline and images.

Just like any advertising, you need to grab your customers attention. And you won’t grab them with a headline “Mobile Dry Cleaning Service” or “XYZ Gardening Services” with a dodgy clip art image. The headline is critical to your success. Grab their attention and people will read on – if you don’t, the flyer will head for the bin.

2. Tell customers how you will solve their problems.

Most flyers (that don’t work) use snooze worthy words like:
“At XYZ Gardening services, we offer a reliable gardening service that includes; lawn mowing, rubbish removal…” Yadda yadda yadda, yeah yeah whatever, you and every other gardening service – take a number…

Tap into the reasons why people use a gardening service in the first place. It might be a time problem, a physical problem or they just hate gardening. Make life easy for your customers and tell them how you will fix their problems.
If you are struggling to find the right words, get a copywriter to help you. The investment will be well worth it.

3. Make a compelling offer

Ok, I just need to say this straight up. Providing free quotes is NOT a compelling offer. An offer is a benefit the customer can only get from you if they call your number NOW. It needs to be compelling, valuable and time sensitive. And please, don’t make it a discount – offer something that adds value.

4. Have a call to action

Your promotional flyer must have a call to action. What do you want people to do after receiving the flyer? Do you want them to call you? Visit your website? Make an appointment? You need to spell it out so the customer knows what to do next. And most of all, you need to tell them how to redeem your offer.

Promotional flyers can be a very effective marketing tactic from any business. Just make sure you include these four items to make yours a success and save my profession from damnation!